Melanie Billings. She's the daughter of one of the richest beings in the universe, and currently located in a suspicious work-camp run by...
a batlike creature named Vektorian, ...
... who once a day enjoys watching the mostly female (if you can say so, because some of the intergalactic workers are sexless, yet sexy) labourers work real hard. They only have to work about an hour a day or so until they sweat, and Vektorian can get his kicks, and they get paid a more than decent salary. That's why most of them are in it. Melanie Billings is in it for the Cromen, a expensive intergalactic and interspecies drug, she could afford from her pocket-money, but earning her money herself, with a job like this is a way to provoke her father, Mr. Billings:
Who ist not pleased with the situation at all.
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