Donnerstag, 30. September 2010

Captain Past Tense - Midas Touch

I'm not really sure, wheather to go this way or not. Maybe this version of my second "Captain Past Tense"-Comic starts out too freaky. But, since I already did some pages, I'm gonna polish them, and post them as raw black and white-cuts. Just to see, how you, dear reader(s) might like them.
This first page may be extraordinarilly, uhm... special, but you can relax after this one I'll be done with Nietzsche at least for some while. It's probably more Ovid, anyhow, but I took it from: "Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik". Nietzsche didn't bother to credit his sources at least in this edition. So here's the first page, a splash-panel - yuck!

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